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Our Programs

Customized Puppetry Workshops

Puppeteers Without Borders creates customized puppetry programs based on the needs of your communities.


We train professionals to apply puppetry in their specific work environment. We collaborate with medical doctors and educators to widen the scope of their work and ours.


Our target training is with, but not limited to, the following professionals:


  • Teachers

  • Therapists

  • Nurses

  • Social Workers

  • Community Health Workers

  • Professional Puppeteers

English version presentation of  'puppets as peace ambassadors' in schools

Version française de 'Les marionnettes ambassadrices de paix' dans les écoles 



Exploring Deeper Connections Through a South African Folktale


Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center


Presented by Dina Kaplan, Puppeteers Without Borders



For educators in grades K-4

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‘Abiyoyo’ is an old folktale from South Africa…a long time ago and far away in a village in Africa. Through puppetry and theater techniques, educators will learn approaches to explore their students’ creativity while engaging with emotions, developing empathy, and celebrating diversity.



Mandela, Mammals and Masks


Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center


Presented by Dina Kaplan, Puppeteers Without Borders



Reservations required

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Wildlife in South Africa is abundant, with almost 300 mammal species!  The term ‘Big Five’ is used to describe the power and strength of the elephant, buffalo, leopard, lion, and rhino.  In this family workshop you will have the opportunity to create animal masks or puppets of your own.  Participants can create an animal family.  Families will have the option to create short vignettes with their animals.  Each animal family will face a small conflict and then in the spirit of democracy and equality, show us how you come to a resolution together.  Then participants will have the opportunity to present to each other.   This workshop will be led by local South African artist and educator Dina Kaplan and Johannesburg visual artist Thabang Lehobe.  



The Puppet as Health Ambassador


The customizable workshop is intended for 20 participants and could last up to 5 days.

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This unique workshop prepares you to tell a story using puppets to convey factual medical instruction. Participants will learn how to create puppets and a theatrical presentation to instruct and connect to a community audience, including instruction on health subjects like hygiene, nutrition or family planning. The story-lessons that we prepare will harness our creative skills. They will provide you and your audience with entertainment AND pertinent information. Collectively we will come together to play and share.

The workshop is intended for nurses, community counselors and educators. Puppeteers Without Borders' experts will help create customized programming for those leaders who want to address specific health topics and develop material that is pertinent and specific for your community's health and wellness.

Participants will:

  • Create a safe space and form connections within your community

  • Learn factual medical information on a chosen topic

  • Define focus to create story-lessons

  • Write a story in three parts, with the middle part having a conflict

  • Enjoy building simple puppets together

  • Practice a puppet scene

  • Practice with an audience

  • Process together

  • Evaluate together


Past programs:


Storytelling and Puppetry Develops Empathy


Workshop for ages 8 through adult, up to 20 participants.


Therapeutic Puppetry combines verbal and nonverbal modes of expression through the intrinsic artistic and dramatic element of puppetry. Therapeutic puppetry is most often thought of as being used with children but it can be adapted to a variety of people of all ages to meet various treatment goals. Therapeutic puppetry techniques can be applied with individuals, couples, groups and families. In the medical setting in the hands of trained nurses, social workers, and counselors, puppets can serve as therapists in pre– and post-operative situations. In various forms of psychotherapy (art therapy, drama therapy) puppets are used to express feelings and thoughts which might otherwise remain hidden or repressed.


Past Programs:

Therapeutic Puppetry: Soyapanga Psychiatric Hospital, El Salvador

ICDP Workshop for Social Workers, France

Creativity Program: Psychologists at Mental Health Clinic, San Miguel, El Salvador

Art Against Abuse: Engaging Youth to End the Cycle of Violence Workshop


Storytelling and Puppetry Develops Empathy


Workshop for ages 8 through adult, up to 20 participants.

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In this puppetry workshop you will dramatize a story based on your personal experience. Using everyday materials, participants create a story based on a personal experience, make simple puppets, a puppet scene, learn how to dramatize your personal story, how to breathe life into your puppets, how to create a short performance putting together all the elements to tell your story to your public, and see if you want to change the story’s ending.


Past Programs:

Creativity Program: Tin Marin, Children's Museum, San Salvador, El Salvador

Creativity Program: Creativity to Foster Tolerance, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo


Focusing on the Needs of Communities


The customizable workshop is intended for 20 participants and could last up to 5 days.


Past Programs:



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Do you have an idea for a workshop or event? Please feel free to contact us; we would love to hear from you! 

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